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この記事はこの見出しを読めば十分。 以下はもっと知りたい人向けにまとめた。 まずは次のリンク先の動画を見てエクササイズをやってみてほしい。


具体例from OALD(Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary)

letの意味の一つ目、ALLOWのところに[no passive]という注意書きがある(!)辞書に受動態を使うなとはっきり書いてあるほどのことなのだ!


Let them splash around in the pool for a while.

Don't let her upset you.

Let your body relax

He'd eat chocolate all day long if I let him.

They won't let him leave the country.

She wanted to lend me some money but I wouldn't let her.

I'll give you a key so that you can let yourself in.

Please let me past.

The cat wants to be let out.



His parents won't allow him to stay out late.

He is not allowed to stay out late.

They shouldn't be allowed to get away with it.

He allowed his mind to wander.

She won't allow herself to be dictated to.

You're allowed an hour to complete the test.

I'm not allowed visitors.

No dots allowed.

The prisoners are allowed out of ther cells for two hours a day.

The crowd parted to allow her through.

You won't be allowed up for several days.

こちらをみると受動態が多いものの能動態がないわけではないですね。letで受動態を使わないルールよりは厳格でないルールなのかもしれません。ただし、4文、5文のallowの目的語はherselfだったりhis mindだったりして、意味上は彼自身、彼女自身になっています。ここには何か示唆があるのかもしれません、つまり、目的語が主語自身なので、意味的には受動態と似ている部分がある、のような...。しかしこれは筆者の憶測ですので、深入りはしないでおきましょう。


Allow: LET SB/STH DO STH to let sb/sth to do sth; to let sth happen or be done.

Let: ALLOW [no passive] to allow sb to do sth or sth to happen without trying to stop it.
